Megalithic Art at Newgrange

On day two in Ireland, three of us tour Knowth (rhymes with south) and Newgrange Stone Age Neolithic sites.  Known  as passage tombs over 5000 years old these structures were used to bury the cremated remains of the dead.  Mary awed by the surprisingly modernistic abstract quality of the architecture at Newgrange.   Deb amazed by the people who were sensitive to the cycles of the seasons, attuned to the movements of the sun and  who organized their time and labor to accomplish these massive mounds in honor of the dead. Linda struck by the spirals, swirls, zigzags, diamond and triangular motifs pecked into the hugh stones and by the unbroken chain of human endeavors to understand our place in the universe.  This questing reaches back in time even beyond the Stone Age, but here it is particularly palpable.



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